Chief Dermatologist & Aesthetic Physician

With over 11 years of experience, Dr. Shwetha Rahul is an accomplished Clinical Dermatologist & Aesthetic Physician.

Her aesthetic treatment is tailored to every individual's skin type and she excels in this thanks to her in-depth knowledge of dermatology.

She also believes that every skin colour and type is truly beautiful, and it is in the hands of a good dermatologist to bring out the best in every person.

Dr. Shwetha Rahul M.D. (DVL)

Academic Qualifications:

M.B.B.S from Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai

M.D. (DVL) from Madras Medical College, Chennai

Honours & Awards:

  1. Won the DR.A.S.THAMBIAH Gold medal for standing state first in Tamil Nadu in the final P.G. exams 2011

  2. Won the Patrick Yesudian Award for the year 2010-2011 for the PG exam held in Madras cutaneous club of medicine, Sundaram Medical foundation.

  3. Class topper in paediatric in final year M.B.B.S.

  4. Won the second prize in ‘the best case report’’ category for presenting a case of Non langerhans cell histiocytosis in CUTICON 2010.

  5. Won the third prize in the PG quiz held in ASTICON STD conference, 2010 at Vijayawada.

Professional Memberships:

  1. Member of Tamilnadu Medical Council.

  2. Life member of the Indian association of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy.

  3. Life member of Indian Association of sexually transmitted diseases.

  4. Life member of Cosmetic dermatology society of India.

Her areas of expertise include:

  • Chemical Peel

  • Microdermabrasion

  • Derma-roller

  • Mole Removal

  • Botox & Filler Injections

  • Frown & Wrinkle Reduction

  • Platelet Rich Plasma Injection for Hair loss & Acne Scars

  • Sebaceous Cyst Extraction

  • Lipoma Narrow Hole Extrusion

  • Skin Tag Removal

  • Wart Removal

  • Laser Hair Removal - Face & Body

  • Acne/ Pimple Scars Treatment

  • Tattoo Removal